Author: Brenda Hughes

Dark pits + other areas

Dark pits got you down? Well, there are several reasons why hyperpigmentation happens in areas that fold: armpits (axilla), elbow pits (cubital fossa), groin (inguinal region), knee pits (popliteal fossa). There also are treatments and products to help lighten and prevent the recurrence of ashy, darkened areas.

Age spots

Age spots are also called liver spots, solar lentigines, sunspots, and they can appear peppered across any part of the body that has sustained unprotected sun exposure over the years. The face, hands, arms, chest, back and legs are the most commonly affected areas.

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Dermal Fillers Menu

The menu of dermal fillers offers options to achieve our filler goals: the most natural looking outcomes. There are different fillers for different jobs: thin ones for fine lines and hydration, soft ones for lips, mobile ones for high movement areas, thick ones for heavy lifting and sculpting, bio-stimulating ones for general volumization and smoothing, semi-permanent ones for scars, structure and firmness. Choices are as necessary as skill for the best outcomes.

Acne Scars

As if persistent breakouts weren’t tortuous enough, acne scars run far deeper for many of us than what is visible, both physically and emotionally.

Acne: Corticosteroid Injections

Corticosteroid injections (aka. intralesional steroid injections, cortisone shots) should never be used as a regular treatment for acne, but when your clear skin decides to turn on you before a major event, it can save the day. Many can relate

Acne: The Basics

June is Acne Awareness Month. To all who suffer from acne, know that you are not alone. Acne affects a majority of the population – an estimated 80% or more. Acne is a frustrating and complex skin disease. There is

Sebaceous Filaments

So, you think you have blackheads. Well, those little dots peppered across your nose may not be blackheads at all. They likely are sebaceous filaments.

Rosacea Part 2: Triggers

Because triggers and their degrees of aggravation vary from person to person, identifying personal rosacea triggers is an important first step in controlling rosacea flares.

Rosacea Part 1: TYPES

Rosacea affects over 16 million people in the US alone, and the numbers continue to rise. Rosacea is a vascular skin disorder characterized by facial inflammation and redness. Rosacea symptoms range from hyper-responsive dilation of blood vessels and facial flushing,

Exercise + Protecting Skin

Regular exercise is important for all organs, internally and externally. Healthy hearts, lungs, brains and skin require our physical movement. Exercise increases oxygen levels and circulation to nourish skin cells, while flushing toxins from our bodies. Exercise also decreases stress

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American Academy of DermatologyAmerican Society for Dermatologic SurgeryWomen's Dermatological SocietyTexas Dermatological SocietyTexas Medical AssociationBexar County Medical SocietyDermatology FoundationSan Antonio Dermatological Society
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