About Tamara Wong, NP

A National Trainer for Allergan (Botox, Juvederm, Kybella), mom of three successful adults, accomplished equestrian, loves snow sports, an accountant, and her dog, Milly.

“What a wonderful source of JOY it is when patients tell me they l-o-v-e tTamara Stephens Skin By Designheir results, that they never realized what a shot of confidence they’d gain from injections in just the right places. Natural is beautiful. Balanced is beautiful. You are beautiful.”

This kind of magic happens when technical expertise, practical experience (the more you do it, the better you are at it), and an eye for balance and proportion come together in the right hands.

Tamara grew up in Nashville,Tennessee, and received her Master’s Degree in Nursing with honors from Vanderbilt University Graduate School of Nursing. She speaks Spanish and is conversant in French.

Tamara has exercised her skills in dermatology, plastic surgery, and otolaryngology for over 11 years. As a National Trainer for the top injectables in cosmetic dermatology, she instructs medical professionals in the art, science, and multitude of applications for Botox, dermal fillers and Kybella.

If you want to know how lucky we feel to have Tamara at this practice, schedule an appointment with her. You’ll be happy… and prettier than you already are.